you know? like he kept patting on my back gently everytime i cough, asking whether i'm okay and whether i had my medicine during morning/night/just now? lols, he's as naggy as an auntie! can't see from his look right? i thought so too but he's really super naggy, can be my grandmother alr. :D
it's sweet to hear his remindings all the time, "rmb to take your medicine." "rmb to take every 4 hours." "rmb this." "rmb that." whereas he forget his own stuffs, which shows that he puts me first before everything! i'm definitely the most important thing in his heart, yesssss onlyyyyyy meeeeeeeeeee!!!! ^^
so you can see the way he feed me with medicine!

watching tv while opening the cover...

i just love looking at hjf's back. when he turns around and face me, it's errrrr, back view nicer luh. LOL! cos until now, i still can't believe my longest secret(well not so secret cos most ppl can feel lor :() secondary school crush i had is MINE! haha, until now i still can differentiate the feeling between now and then. it's totally different, like 2 really different person...
i'm like a stalker of hjf in the past during sec 4, grabbing every chance to steal a glance at him in class, viewing his friendster profile all the time awaiting for new updates or photos so i can save his pictures in my computer. LOL, like sicko right? haha, i guess all girls go crazy with their crush when we're all young. :x i added him on friendster and msn a few days after he came into our class at sec4. i tried msn-ing him and we did chat a hell lot online. but in school he's like a total stranger cos he didn't look even ONCE into my eye. :( cheat my feelings!!!
and after a year or so, i told myself not to go ga ga over him anymore cos it's been such a long time already! he'll definitely have some response if he have some special feelibngs for me. hmmmm. i cut lesser on the views on his friendster and chats on msn. but still can't help looking at him in class. #&@*(!^$ i think i got under his spell or something during that period! hahaha, after o levels i'm so glad that i don't have to see him anymore, so i'll stop thinking and liking him. in the end, he came wooing me!!! LOLS, then we ended up tgt... i'll share the story in the future yea. it feels great to share this, cos i think it's so classic and funny!
eh hjf, you better be careful cos i'm gonna spill out all your dirty little secrets in the past!!! :x
alright alright, back to the photo topic, i ran out of point so far away!!! HAHA!
okay where was i? hmmmmmmm oh i love looking at his back! haha.

then you see, his face. still can't believe he's really my boyfriend. sry ah gotta repeat this cos i still feel he's a different person compared to the one who was in the same class as me. hahaha.

slowly, carefully, aim properly... don't drip on the floor...

look serious right? he's so concentrating on it that i HAVE to take a picture of it cos i won't know when's the next time he's gonna do this again. :D

"come open your mouth baby! follow me and open your mouth like this... AHHHHH..... be a good girl and take your medicine so you can get well asap..."
lols. cute? i do think so! :D but i haven't been lisening to him, taking my medicine regularly that's why i'm still sick now... for going 2 weeks?
but i'm really feeling better today! not much coughing already. really! for the sake of powerhouse tonight, i will get better. heh. :D
sorry to always bully you but not letting you bully me but i'm loving it, so don't change it. :x
no one would ever give in to me the way you do.
no one would ever let me pinch and tickle all over willingly and tolerate my nonsense.
no one would ever let me take unglam pictures and post it online the way you will let me.
no one would ever piggyback me back home as much as i want to, anytime.
no one would ever change for me like the way you do.
no one would ever say no or reject to any of my stupid requests like you do.
no one would ever love everything about me like you do.
no one would ever love my naked face w/o make up like you do.
no one would ever cry for me like the way you do.
no one would ever promise me, that my bf must live longer than me. cos i don't want to be the one crying.
no one would ever wake up in the middle of the night just to cook tomyam maggi mee for the hungry-then-can't-get-to-sleep me.
no one would ever wake up in the middle of the night and ride his bike all the way from eunos to st james power station just to fetch me home from clubbing.
no one would ever be so honest like you do.
no one would ever never fail to give me a "i love you, muacks!" every night before i sleep.
no one would ever give me morning calls all the the without fail like you do.
no one would ever be so patient with such a stubborn person like me.
no one would ever help me buy whisper sanitary pads from the supermarket when i forget to bring mine.
no one would ever serve customers for me when i should be the one doing that. (sry, sometimes a bit lazy :()
no one would ever let me make fun and hit him whenever i like.
no one would ever be as sweet as you.
there's so so so much "no one would ever" to write about you which i think i can never finish all.

you & me! <3 but i ate both. :x

here's another soft toy he caught for me a couple of weeks ago, didn't have the chance to post this picture. haha. now i have 3 from him! the first one was way long ago! it's a cj7 he caught by chance last year. and hjf promised me he'll save extra $20 for 14th of every month. he'll catch one for me for each month and he himself said that he still owe me 15 little soft toys. er uhm, plus this month 16 already ah! you promise me on your own accord, i didn't suggest that. so you must fulfil it!!! :P

loves. many hugs and kisses. :)
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