you've seen the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th little cuites that he caught for me. ever wondered which one's the first? it's...
a CJ7!!! it look ugly in the picture here though. this picture doesn't do justice to it! haha, it's much cuter in real life.
hmm, if i remember correctly, it was way back in 2008 when we first got together. our first movie we watched tgt was CJ7! and few weeks later he caught in from some random machine which i forget where it is. i never thought that i had the chance to play the catching-toy machine with my bf, someone who i love. :D
AND! i thought it'll never happen again. who knows? now he promised to catch one for me every month! how can not happy?! well, he's fulfiling it and i can see the effort. hope he won't stop or break the promise. :x
and... my hamsters! manage to take a few pictures of them! i can feel they're living in their own world, much happier than before? haha. they're more tamed as well! i'm so glad. :D when they first came in, i have a hard time catching them. i was very gentle to them but i always can't grab them. lols.! but everything improved now. happy happy!
let me introduce mico first!
who's that!!!
caught you, mico! munching on its fav food. :D
hello i'm mico. my owner just recently figure out i'm a female! i love to run on the wheel and exercise a lot. basically, i'm very small sized actually. but after my owner separate me and marco, i've been living in a smaller tank. i have no space to run about and hence, i became fatter!
hey, don't blame me, i'm actually a fast runner but all the good food here is so tempting! my owner even fed us with her dog's dry food(biscuit)! tasty tasty yum yum...
AND NEXT! it's marco...
hello? yes? you called me?
i love to eat and bite things! i don't run on the wheel, it's so tiring. i'll rather chew on something else than exercising...
i reckon my owner prefers me to mico because... you can see, she's feeding me! and i'm living in the bigger cage, i have everything here in the cage. water, food, wheel, 2 storey cage, bathing sand.
and she always prefer to play with me rather than mico. i don't know why?! i think maybe it's because mico killed parco, that's why she favour me more... hehe. oh, there's once when i was put in a paper box. i was very active at night and i kept biting on the corner of the paper box. bite and bite... and the hole eventually got bigger! i crawl out of the box... and poof! i dropped into a sports shoe.
i stayed inside the show for around 2 days, hoping my owner would find me and she did! so happy to be back in my cage. :D
and of cos, i'm definitely cuter and lovable than mico! see, i have more pictures taken than mico. hehehe...
LOL! people who are boliao a home everyday will do such things. acting like a hamster talking. hahaha! i think they're both so photogenic! they look cuter and rounder in pictures leh! feel like squeezing them!!! :D
wanna owe hamsters too? they are so easy to care for and i actually prefer those which are less active, not those breeds like robroskis(?) which can run very fast. what for you get a hamster when you can't even catch and play with it right?
haha. winter whites are the cutest to meee. :D
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