was at hjf's place ytd using his com and i found pictures of us a few months back! so i decided to blog about it. :D we were still not 'officially' together back then. but actually, i think my heart has already forgiven him a long time ago but my mind still couldn't. oh well, everything's fine now, shall not brood over the past. :)
gonna share the photos in my blog...

if anyone of you remembered, i posted photos of MYSELF only on facebook under the album my birthday and new hair. as we aren't officially tgt yet, i didn't post his pictures, it was still a secret in me. haha.
he's feeling very fed up during that time cos of his bad fringe and bad complexion. hahaha. but me don't care, still wanna post the photos. :x
it was a monday night, we get the priviledge to get on an empty capsule! yes just the two of us!!! it feels good as we jumped, we shouted, we stand on the seats, took 100 over photos inside.
a few photos on the street while walking towards the flyer...

and look at this,

it was a photo we took before entering the flyer. i didn't expect i look quite okay in the photo, so i decided to buy it! :x
as we entered inside the capsule, i was so excited and started taking photos NONSTOP!!!
you see you see...

and then he wanna stand on the seat and take photo too... but his pose not as nice as mine. wahahahaha. :D

and the camwhoring just continue for the next 30min ride. carzy eh? i think i only took a 3 min glimpse of the scenery. the rest are just camwhoring, camwhoring and more camwhoring...
can actually skip this cos this whole entry is full of my faces. :x

i had a bloody pimple under my nose that day too. so irritating! fuck that red dot!!! :( and and and i hate my face being so white when the flash light is on, making my neck, shoulder and hands look so black!!! urg!!
anyway, aftermath at popeye's for our dinner. the camwhoring just continue a little more...

yay happy belated 19th birthday to me! lols. :D
boohoo!!! going 20 next may! :(

goodbye sg flyer, see you again next time...
while i was typing this entry. something cross my mind... around tht period of time on my bday, i thought my heart went for someone else. i felt guilty towards him, don't know whether he knows i'm refering to him or whether he'll get to read this or not. i'm just, sorry. whether you did notice or not, i think i tried to make you know that i like you.
i'm sucha bitch, tried using one to forget the past. :( didn't mean to do that and he's a good friend of mine, for a couple of years. i've realized my mistake alr... we haven't talk to each other since many many weeks ago. i'm sorry. :(
afterall, i still think i looker better in short hair. haha! but i didn't regret getting the extensions cos... longer hair really makes one look slimmer a bit!!! it's true i swear, i can forsake anything to be thinner, even if it's only a bit. hahaha. :D
on a sidenote, i'm gonna update a more recent entry after this. come back tonight! :D
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