my hammie died on friday morning. or is it thursday night i'm not sure cos i saw it dead on friday morning when i went off for work.. :( didn't tweet or blog about it cos i was feeling damn damn scared, i didn't know what to do, tried very very hard not to think or talk about it cos i can feel i'm slightly shivering when i think of how it looked like.
as usual before i went out, i check them out every morning. only saw 2, but cldn't find the 3rd one. to my fucking horror, i saw it lying on its back DEAD. i only took one glance and that's it. i don't dare to take a second look again.
it is fucking gross i tell you. i think the hammies got into some fight or something. but i think most probably the other 2 killed and eat it. it's like, alr turn into brown. the body is flat and i presume its stomach, lungs and intestines were all being ate. it died a terrible death. :( it's the one i love most, i felt really bad for it. it must be squeaking for help but i didn't know at all. WTFWTFWTF! i still can't accept the fact that it is gone just like this. :((((
the other 2 hammies are kinda seriously injured as well. the fur is ripped off and their stomach is full of dried up blood. EWWWWWWWW.
luckily, hjf was there to help me clear parco's dead body. i got a feeling that the other two might not be able to live long cos of their injuries. but i'm still keeping them. though they became fiercer and uglier! i shall try and see whether they'll still live. hopefully! god bless pls!!! :(
AND YO KNOW WHAT HAPPENED YTD?! i ALMOST lost my ring. yes yes yes, ALMOST OKAY!!! scare me to death luhzxzxzxzxzx. :(
cos of my stupid hair extentions luh! oh, do you know i've had extentions?? i think you don't right? only some friends saw it. haha, ya ya i know my butt itchy, hair so short still go and put hair extentions. :x just wanna try ma. i need to put another layer next week, cos it's too thin luh. hahaha. i'll post pictures of my new hair! but i think i look older and weird. nvm, maybe i'm still not used to it yet.
my head felt heavier, even much heavier when it's being washed! now i need time to prepare when going out. need time to wash gently, slowly scrub into my scalp, slowly blow dry. i think that add up 20 more minutes to my preparing time? shit luh! i still thought of getting straightener and curler. LOL. :x okay i think i side track too much. back to the ring!
hmm, as i was saying, i FREAKING almost lost my ring. :\ cos i was trying to tie my hair so i took out my ring and place it on one of the arcade table. and stupid forgetful me forget to wear it back. and it was quite long until i realized it! we left arcade, walk towards bugis street, went up level 2, walked a few rounds, went to iluma, went up to arcade, sat at an area and start to slack a bit. AND THEN I REALIZED it's not on my finger. :( not my fault okay!!! cos it feels really light and i don't feel a thing until i didn't see it on my finger. :\ okay luh, my fault to be forgetful.
you know you know, i ran ALL THE WAY from iluma to bugis junction arcade. i was crying while running, so fuck panic and i don't know what i was doing. called hjf, cried and cried like an idiot. lols, hung up and saw my cousin and i CRIED again. LOL. come to think about it, i must be looking damn retard and funny. HAHAHA.
anyway, thanks to li an cos he found it for me! yay. :D but he so childish lor, still wanna lie to me that he actually found it but made a mistake that he saw wrongly. which made me cried again. zzz!! #&*!&$#*(@
me is running tap water. lols. can't help it also. :( at that point of time, really feel like pulling out all my hair. :x
anyhow, a few pictures from ytd!

me still not used to my long hair you see. can't seem to get the right angle. hmmmmm...
and then try to act chio with my new long hair...

at home(don't mind the ugly background)

outside... but i think i failed. HAHA!!! :D

at workplace's fitting room. oh i dono why i tried so hard to open my eyes big. zzz.
plus! 2 pics with my short hair...

i think my face look fatter with the hair extentions, look older also. omgosh! nvm, it'll be over after 6 months. no, i didn't regret! haha. :)

and here's one pic of me and laopo. taken while her webcam is on. i never know webcamming could be so fun! lols! i wanna too! getting a laptop sooner or later. but still not sure which to go for. macbook? asus? vaio? hmmmm. i just want something light and user friendly, with a nice design too! ^^
okay, gtg get my late lunch alr. :( might blog again later. ciao!
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