why is it so lag like a snail? does the problem lies with the computer connection here or is it just BLOGGER and FACEBOOK?
someone! fix the problem up?!?!?! :(
whatever it is, i just wanna blog about random stuffs that happened recently.
firstly, I MADE A BLOODY MISTAKE. i thought my off days are tuesday(today) and wednesday. i was sleeping peacefully and suddenly my boss called,
boss: cuiping ah? you know you got work today?
me: (with a deep voice) huh? today? i off today and tmr what?
boss: no no, you're working today.
me: but you said i'm off on tues and wed?
boss: yes i said you WORK on tues and wed, not OFF on tues and wed.
me: oh oh ok, i'll come over right now...
disappointing! i've alr decided how to spend my tuesday and wednesday alr leh. not it has to be pushed to thursday! :(
but luckily, hjf was there to fetch me to work, if not i'll be so so so late! knowing that i have been rushing to get prepared and didn't hav the chance to lunch, he cooked my favourite tomyum maggi meeeeeeeeeee! :D
yes, i'm sure he's the one who cooked it. cos if it were his maid, the noodle would have taste nicer! :x hahahaha, thanks lah. i know you love me! :D
anyway, ytd was a mini bday celebration for our dear weilong. 4 cousins and 1 outsider(hjf)! hahaha! :D
we wanted to make a surprise for long, but he suspected us a little long ago! but still, he still got a shocked when the waitress brought his birthday cake out.

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