bcos bcos bcos i've got like 3 straight off days!!! thurs, friday and saturday! :D
mad happy cos i finally have enough rest and get to spend some quality time at home. ^^ let me tell you, i HAVE so many things to write about here. so, you can actually just ignore this post filled with big chunk of words as there'll be no pictures posted. blogger is still not working after a hundred years! BAH!
regarding my complaints, thoughts, sharing... :)
i think powerhouse is the typical frequent club that i always go. main reasons are bcos:
-there's this podium which is allowed for LADIES only.
-good music
-HUGE dancefloor(well, at least to me)
-PH serves my FAVOURITE heaven & earth GREEN TEA!
lols, i've been clubbing too much for the past 3 weeks? too much kills bcos the last time i club on wednesday, i could feel my legs go WEAK even before 4am cos i'm usually energetic throughout the whole night.
gosh i feel damn tired that night, can really die. it caused me to skip work on the following day as i'm having HELL muscle ache, feels sour on my damn whole body.
i don't mind being on the dancefloor even though i would STRONGLY prefer to be on the ladies podium. BUT, i can't stand the people down there.
what's with the loud singing, grinding, pushing, sweating, vomitting?!
i can't stand it! i didn't say you can't sing(actually they're just screaming away with the music, totally destroy the whole thing) but must you sing(scream) into random people's ears? that's really irritating!!! there's even this uncle in his late 30s i think, screaming his lungs out like, "OWWWWWOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!" feel like giving them one tight slap in the face. ==
okay, i know grinding is a very common thing in clubs but i just hate it. i reckon this kind of thing would ever happen on ladies podium cos there won't be any guys up there. it DISGUST me totally, i mean seriously! :(
i HATE HATE HATE the most when it's full house, cos the people on the dancefloor would just use their fucking dirty hands to push you out of their way, like they are the queens? the ones i met mostly are LADIES! so arrogant luh.
and more people means lesser space to dance and breathe. EQUALS to everyone starts to SWEAT! ewwwwww, i hate this the most! sticky and smelly! why the fuck must i be bury in all this smelly and sticky shitszxzxzxzxzxz?! some got serious BAD BREATH too, like omgosh, can faint! ==
baobao kept advising me not to club too much as people would start to label me as,"oh, cp? that girl who ALWAYS appear at powerhouse ah?" haha, but i wanna go phuture though, haven't been there yet. okay i know i'm a slowpoke. :(
2)RIDINGriding what? a BIKE! yes yes, hjf let me try on his bike for fun on thursday night at a quiet carpark. quite late alr, not much cars. that's why i would dare to try it.
i feel proud of myself! i can kick start the bike, ride a short distance, even with hjf behind me. i know how to change to gear 2 too! lols.
but the main thing is, i had a minor accident. just a minor only. i ALOMST crash into someone's car. yea, like ALMOST! a few cm away only i guess? cos i was turning the direction and there's this car which is trying to park nice nice, i wanted to stop but hjf just said,"nvm! just ride pass it only, just go, it's okay one. don't worry."
as i don't know how to use my body to turn the vehicle to another direction, i ALOMST go straight and nearly bang onto the side of the car. i was SO nervous and scared that i braked so hard out of a sudden.
the vehicle sorta like jerked really hard and i fell with the bike. :( but hjf was quick enough to jump out of the bike so he's fine. i was in a state of shock but luckily i didn't hit the car. LUCKILY!!!
and still in a shock state me, still continue to ride the bike back to the original place.
overall it's quite fun, but i'll just stick to car if i'm gonna get a drving licence cos bike is really really dangerous.
i'm fine, just a few scratched and a big blue black on my inner big thigh. UGLY! :(
i seem to lost interest in shopping recently. i think there's season? maybe this season i don;t feel like shopping at all. but i bought quite a number of stuffs though.
i don't know how many cosmetics and skincares must i buy until it can all satisfy me.
for example, i only have one face but i have more than 5 bottles of bb cream? like that's so INSANE! i've left onlly *** for my savings so i MUST stop alr luh, first week of august just passed and i'm spending like this. how to survive till end of month? :(
4)BRAS AND BIKINIi NEED to complain about this.
WHY WHY WHY? the tube bras that i LOVE so much are all sold out and all left like freaking ONE piece? i hate to take last piece items ESPECIALLY when it's something i'm gonna wear so close to my skin.
i know i can wear it after i wash but i feel very sensitive about this. :(
i first saw it at malaysia's young hearts and minoshe. right after i'm back to sg, even the outlet at sg is also left ONE piece? :(((
sighs, guess i have no fate with it.
on a happier note, i bought for myself a BIKINI. hahaha! i know it's not something worth talking about but it's my first time buying one for myself and AM gonna wear it to beach.
i'm not a very outdoor person but i just wanna show off my NEW bikini! muahahahahahaha.
p.s i wanted to get the white one but got the black one in the end. i'll definitely get the white one next time! :D
trimmed + dyed my hair on friday! now it's so reddish orange/orangey red! idk luh but will post up pictures soon. :D
had a scanning for our scalp and mine is more to a healthy scalp! happy me! :D but tend to have minor hair loss though. :\
argh, i regret not washing my hair for the 3rd day! now i feel kinda sticky and dirty on my head. looks oily too. EWWW!
i'm thankful that i've 3 more weeks to go! and boss is training some new stuffs so which means i don't have to work so much per week. but lesser pay of course... hmmm, but i don't mind actually! love to have extra time for myself. :D
but on the other hand, i'm being stressed by boss that i need to hit the sales target. what can i say? just try my best, even though i'm leaving this place alr.
plans after i've quit? hope hjf can yang me. LOL, just kidding luh. hjf don't stunned okay? :D i not that kind of useless bum who doesn't work.
need to think. think of how to get into THAT job, heard that i need to know the people there so they could bring me in. hard luh, my social circle damn small, like an ant. blame myself for being such an introvert since young. :(
7)MY PETSi'e got THREE hammies now. i'm glad that the three of em are getting along quite well now. at least they don't eat each other. 3 different colours and total different personalities! i know hamsters have no personalities, i just meant that they have different habits.
like, one likes to sleep, one likes to eat, one is super active! hahaha. their names are marco, parco, mico! weird names, i know. i'm not sure of their genders, i just anyhow gave them the names. all end with a CO! i like. :D
if you've been following my twitter, you should know that i'm into perfumes recently! especially those sweet smelling ones! :D
i just bought one from boss's aunty the annasui's live your dream, i ordered diamond dazzle from pandora's box and think i'm getting majorlica's perfume balm! and guess what? i've clinique happy, guess in pink and another pink bottle from sasa which laopo gave me at home.
so in total, i'm gonna own 6 different sweet smells?! LOL, okay i know!
monday: clinique happy
tuesday: sasa perfume
wednesday: diamond dazzle
thursday: guess
friday: MJ balm
saturday: anna sui
sunday: unknown yet, wait till i buy one more? LOL.
me is happy cos i get to smell like a sweet everyday. :DDD
9)SAVINGS*slaps head* i've been having fun for the past few days yet i forgot about creating a new bank account for my savings? someone, slap me on my cheeks. T_T
10)APPEAL, FINEShjf got a fine and i appealed for him. just checked email, no news yet. don't know can be accepted or not. he's been getting quite a handful of fines late.
11)TWITTERi've been having a great time using twitter. be it using my berry or computer to tweet, i just love it! but it seems like none of my friends is using this application? go join twitter and join the fun with me!
twitter is a great creation bcos i get to scold and complain and whine there without having to blog. THUMBS UP for twitter. TWEET TWEET TWEET!
12)HANDPHONEso far, my bb isn't giving me any technical problems, still loving it! the battery life is super amazing as i don't have to worry about my bb dying on me even if i'm out of house for the whole day with only half battery life left. :D
even though i don't have the data plans and i can't get to use the bbm but it's okay! i have wifi at home and at work. :D love the qwerty keyboard and it has suduko!!! meee loveee! ^^
13)HJFi've many things to say to you. it;s like we see each other almost everyday but there's some stuffs which i don't tell you directly. maybe this is just my character? i express better in typing, NO NO to talking.
i know you can say out anything you feel or think freely but i'm different. at times i really can't.
you always think that my love towards you is not very much. like maybe, 1/4 of your love towards me? IN FACT, i think we're at the same level.
like what i've said earlier on, i don't express or show out the way you do but i do it in different ways. i'm quite sure you understand the fact that diffent people has different point of view and way of doing what they think is right.
i didn't mean to blae you or what just saying out my thoughts. you know i don't like you to see my blog in front of me or see the way i type. i don't know, i just don't like it. so please, don't come and ask me about it, cos you know i'll just talk about another topic and pretend that i didn't hear you asking me.
i know i'm weird at times, and am glad that you understand and accept this part of me as i know if it's for other guys, they would have lost their patience towards me. you're the best for knwoing me. :)
when on roads, you know what scares me the most?
flyovers, cutting in between cars and turning.
i'm scared that we might fall out of the high flyovers.
i'm scared of your rear mirrors hitting other cars' mirrors or my leg/hand being hit by the cars.
i'm scared we'll lose balance and fall on the ground really hard when turning.
did you notice any of this? i hope so.
i've always told you ma lu ru hu kou, roads like tiger's mouth?(haha, don't know how to translate) if you're not careful for one time, then that's it alr. anything can happen one.
if given a wish that will come true, i will not wish us to be together forever.
i will wish YOU to be safe on roads at ALL times.
even if we don't end up tgt next n\time, my wish will still remain the same cos i don't wanna experience the feeling of losing you.
that's all, rmb, don't talk anything about this infront of me. :)
on a side note, HAPPY NATIONAL DAY! everyone's gonna rush to marina this evening to watch fireworks except me! as i need to work. i wonder when's the last time i watched fireworks? or i haven't watch it before?i only watched them from my house's window since young. yes from far. pathetic right? :(
lastly, i doubt anyone reads cos it's still not official announced to my friends yet. hahaha. so i do wonder, who will ever bother to read? especially like this kind of wordy post?
is it you? :)