I started camwhoring like siao ever since I had Lifeframe. :x
Okay, finally...Finally I gather all of my courage to call and make an appointment with the dentist. What? I'm scared of dentists since young cannot meh... :( But I've always wanted to do braces and I know it might take up to 3, or even 4 years of being an ugly freak. But I believe it's all gonna be worth it... Haha.
I think I'm lke, damn weird or something. Cos I kept forcing myself to go and see pictures of people who has perfect straight teeth so it will be able to motivate me a lil more.
Hmm, most of the ppl who did braces looked better than nefore but there're some, who look even worse. Omg, I'm super worried that will happen to me, like after all those years then the braces made my mouth distorted...
Sigh sigh sigh, shall go for the consultation and see how first. I'm scared to the max. My problem don't lie with the uneven-ness but also ugly teeth. I swear I have the most ugly teeth ever, 2 tiger teeth looking like a vampire lor. Sian, always don't have confident to smile with my teeth. :(

And I can only smile like this forever...:( At times with the correct angle then I can smile with a bit teeth bt most of the time, 90% without. :(
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